First, measure out all the chocolate and peanut butter fudge ingredients with the measuring cup and spoons.
Then, fill the saucepan ½ way full of water, cover with a lid, and bring it to boil over high heat.
Reduce the heat to medium-low and carefully position a large glass bowl in the saucepan over the boiling water.
Pour in the chocolate chips, butter, vanilla, and condensed milk.
Continuously mix and stir the fudge with a spatula while the ingredients melt together.
Keep stirring until all the ingredients have melted together and the fudge mixture is smooth. Then, carefully remove the bowl from the saucepan but keep the water hot.
If needed, bring the water back up to boil.
Then, position another clean large glass mixing bowl on top.
Drop in the peanut butter and butter.
Melt and mix the ingredients together until they’re completely mixed and smooth.
Next, grab a glass baking dish and measure out a piece of parchment paper over the top of the dish.
Cut the paper, so it is about 1.5- 2 inches wider than the baking pan. Then, cut one slit at each of the 4 corners across from each other.
Simultaneously fold the corners in while pushing the parchment paper into the glass dish, so the paper fits securely.
Next, scoop the chocolate part of the fudge into the lined dish.
Spread it around evenly and smoothly with a spatula.
Then, pour the peanut butter part on top of the chocolate fudge.
Mix the peanut butter into the chocolate with a butter knife.
Smooth out the top of the fudge again.
Refrigerate the fudge for at least 2 hours, or for best results, leave it overnight.
Cutting fudge
First, gather the fudge-cutting equipment.
Then, create a template on parchment paper with 1.5 inch columns vertically and horizontally to make a grid of even squares.For more in-depth instructions, check out How to Cut Fudge into Perfect Squares.
Prepare a jar of hot water and grab some paper towels, a pastry cutter or knife, and the fudge. Remove the fudge from the pan and the parchment paper.
Then, place the fudge on a cutting board with the parchment paper template on top.
Use the pastry cutter to score, or mark out, the outer edge of the template.
Next, use the template to mark out the columns of the grid squares.
Cover your hands with gloves. Then, dip a large knife in hot water, wipe it dry, and begin cutting off the outer template lines along the edges of the fudge.Repeat the process of dipping the knife in hot water and wiping it before each cut.
You should have a perfectly square block of fudge with even edges all the way around.
Then, cut the first set of columns going vertically. Remember to heat and wipe the knife every time for smooth cutting.
Repeat the process for the horizontal columns to create perfectly square pieces.
Finally, serve and enjoy this delectable chocolate peanut butter fudge!
Storing Homemade FudgeTo store chocolate peanut butter fudge: first, transfer it to an airtight container or wrap it tightly in parchment paper. Then, label the date on the outside of the wrapping and store it at room temperature for up to 2-3 weeks. To freeze uncut fudge: label the date on the outside of a freezer-safe Ziploc bag. Transfer the block of fudge into the bag and seal it while releasing the extra air. Store the fudge in the freezer for 2-3 months. Move the frozen fudge to the fridge to thaw for 2 days before cutting and serving.